Jesus puellus.
Martha MarchinaOriginal Text
Marchina, Martha. Marthae Marchinae virginis Neapolitanae Musa posthuma. 1701, p. 49.Transcription
In cunis lacrymatur. Nivibus comparantur lacrymae.
Vagit in horridulo soboles1 divina cubili, Et vivo teneras irrigat imbre genas: Intactas ne quaere nives; cur frigora laedant, Quas2 pius omnipotens igne coegit Amor.
1 Soboles refers to Jesus, and it is interesting to note that this word is grammatically feminine. 2 The antecedent of quas can be either nives or lacrimas. The title, which Macedo wrote, helps with the interpretation of this poem as the snows are compared to Jesus’ tears.