Ad Beatissimi Virginem.


Martha Marchina

Original Text

Marchina, Martha. Marthae Marchinae virginis Neapolitanae Musa posthuma. 1701, p. 48.


Cum Sponso Iosepho Bethleem proficiscentem.1

Sedula quid properas casto cum coniuge Virgo       Foenora iussa Urbi solvere2 Bethlemiae? Cum sacro edideris caelestem e viscere foetum       Tum nil, quod cupiant, terra, & Olympus3 erit.

1 A reference to the Nativity account in Luke 2:1-5. The emperor Augustus issued a decree that a census be taken and everyone had to register in their hometown. Although Mary was pregnant at the time, she and Joseph left Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem, his ancestral home. 2 Foenora iussa…solvere: “to pay taxes.” 3 Olympus, the home of the gods in Greek mythology. Here likely also a reference to heaven
