Ad Beatissimam Virginem.
Martha MarchinaOriginal Text
Marchina, Martha. Marthae Marchinae virginis Neapolitanae Musa posthuma. 1701, p. 65.Transcription
Tetrastichon. Tota pulchra es.1
Aspexit cum Virgo tuos pulcherrima vultus Omnipotens hominum, caelicolumque sator. Ad superos conversus, ait, vos cedite Divi, Pulchrior est vestris ista puella Choris.
1 This title refers to the Song of Songs, also called the Song of Solomon, which is a collection of verses between two lovers and a chorus. It appears in both the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament. Marchina is connecting the Song of Songs, which is generally interpreted as describing God’s love for Israel, to Jesus’ love for Mary.